
From Boonsboro Road Based on a Sketch and a Dream – Sunset, Thursday, 4 February 2016

William Van Doren, FROM BOONSBORO ROAD BASED ON A SKETCH AND A DREAM. Sunset from Stony Point, Albemarle County, Va. Oil on Arches watercolor block, 11 x 15.


Generalized Rain Generalized Mist in General and in Particular – Sunset, Wednesday, 3 February 2016

William Van Doren, GENERALIZED RAIN GENERALIZED MIST IN GENERAL AND IN PARTICULAR. Sunset from Stony Point, Albemarle County, Va. Oil on canvas, 28 x 35.


Winterwaves – Sunset, Tuesday, 2 February 2016

William Van Doren, WINTERWAVES. Sunset from Stony Point, Albemarle County, Va. Oil on Arches watercolor block, 11 x 15.


She Knows There’s No Success Like Failure – Sunset, Monday, 1 February 2016

William Van Doren, SHE KNOWS THERE’S NO SUCCESS LIKE FAILURE. Sunset from Stony Point, Albemarle County, Va. Oil on Arches watercolor block, 11 x 15.

Wherever she may have gone, she knows who “she” is — a follow-up to the painting for January 31st. As for the sky on Monday, it was a strange combination of grays, with light rain. One area of gray was a dirty spectral brown, another was dark blue. The painting started out with the spectral brown but immediately took on a life of its own. Title from Bob Dylan, “Love Minus Zero / No Limit.”


Stranger Than Known – Sunset, Sunday, 31 January 2016

William Van Doren, STRANGER THAN KNOWN. Sunset from Stony Point, Albemarle County, Va. Oil on Arches watercolor block, 11 x 15.

Title from The Byrds, “Eight Miles High.”


The Lion in Winter – Sunset, Saturday, 30 January 2016

William Van Doren, THE LION IN WINTER. Sunset from Stony Point, Albemarle County, Va. Oil on canvas, 28 x 35.

Title from the play by James Goldman.