Entries in storms (108)


Feints and Maneuvers (Sunset, Monday, 11 July 2011)

William Theodore Van Doren, FEINTS AND MANEUVERS (Sunset from Stony Point, Albemarle County, Va.) Oil on watercolor block, 13 x 19.

But no rain, and still about 90° approaching 9 p.m.


Box of Rain (Sunset, Friday, 8 July 2011)

William Theodore Van Doren, BOX OF RAIN (Sunset from Stony Point, Albemarle County, Va.) Oil on watercolor block, 13 x 19.


Thunder Inc. (Sunset, Sunday, 3 July 2011)

William Theodore Van Doren, THUNDER INC. (Sunset from Stony Point, Albemarle County, Va.) Oil on watercolor block, 13 x 19.


Not Entirely Forgotten (Sunset, Tuesday, 28 June 2011)

William Theodore Van Doren, NOT ENTIRELY FORGOTTEN (Sunset/Twilight from Stony Point, Albemarle County, Va.) Oil on watercolor block, 13 x 19.

After five hours of storms, the clouds had an after-party, and went through a dizzying array of changes. At times the sky looked like a Turner, then like a Tiepolo, then there was a curious green layer of cloud, and what had been gold turned orange-pink. At some point I had to give up trying to absorb it all – try to forget and just paint.


The Rain Kings (Sunset, Saturday, 11 June 2011)

William Theodore Van Doren, THE RAIN KINGS (Sunset from Belmont, Charlottesville, Va.), oil on watercolor block, 13 x 19.

Just before having dinner at the house of friends in the Belmont neighborhood of Charlottesville, I walked up and down the block sketching the sunset and the oncoming wall of clouds. Within 40 minutes we were enjoying a wonderful downpour with our meal.

I’ve just completed notes on my Tabula Rosa series.


Orphan Between Storms (Sunset, Friday, 27 May 2011)

William Van Doren, ORPHAN BETWEEN STORMS (Sunset from Stony Point, Albemarle County, Va.) Oil on watercolor block, 13 x 19.