Entries in Route 15 (2)


Sun of Loudoun County – Sunset, Tuesday, 17 June 2014

William Van Doren, SUN OF LOUDOUN COUNTY. Sunset from Route 15, Loudoun County, Va. Oil on Arches, 17 x 23.

My brother Mike and I watched and talked about this very hot, hazy sunset for quite a while as we rode (he was driving) from Leesburg toward Haymarket, Virginia. We talked about the colors, including a strange mix of metallic gray and lavender. In the end it’s all about what happens when the brush gets in your hand, and I’m afraid not all of our colors made the cut! Also, I usually try to avoid “cute” titles, but I'm a native of Leesburg and this was all I came up with.


Sunset, Monday, 15 June 2009

Stony Point, Albemarle County, Va. Oil on paper, 16 x 20.Just before everything got swallowed up.

There might be a further post here tomorrow – haven’t decided whether to write about the strange topic, the relatively bland topic, or no topic. Come to think of it, ‘no topic’ could be quite interesting ... 

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