Entries in Woodberry Forest School (9)


Meanwhile, Outside the Party (Sunset, Wednesday, 31 August 2011)

William Theodore Van Doren, MEANWHILE, OUTSIDE THE PARTY (Sunset from Madison Mills, Madison County, Va.) Oil on watercolor block, 13 x 19.

I wasn’t able to post last night because I was at a party out in Madison County, near Orange – at Woodberry Forest. Any inconvenience was more than compensated for by their enormous view of the horizon.


Blue Ridges (Sunset, Saturday, 26 February 2011)

William Van Doren, BLUE RIDGES (Sunset from Madison Mills, Madison County, Va.) Oil on watercolor block, 13 x 19.

I was standing, finishing a sketch of this when my friend I hadn’t seen since 30 years ago in L.A. drove up and gave me a lift to the gallery, where she toured the exhibit. The show, Moment & Horizon: The 365 Sunsets of 2010, is open this afternoon and all day tomorrow, its final day.


Last Week (to 2/28) for the Exhibition “Moment & Horizon: The 365 Sunsets of 2010”

Exhibition details here, plus the much-needed directions.


Cinema Verité

A brief introduction to the sunset painting series, with excerpts from the gallery talk at the opening of “Moment & Horizon: The 365 Sunsets of 2010,” an exhibition running through February 28th, 2011.


“What Do You Do Every Single Day?”

Linda Larson Hogan, a photographer who covered the opening reception for “Moment & Horizon: The 365 Sunsets of 2010,” reflects on implications of the show here.


Opening Reception, “Moment & Horizon: The 365 Sunsets of 2010”

Tonight’s the night for the opening of the big show.

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